Friday, July 19, 2013

Green Fire


Upon the edict that every racer would submit their own individual Kart into the 2003 Grand Prix, Luigi felt tremendous pressure to emulate the Kart of his brother, Mario. Luigi did so on the surface, but he overemphasized all of the Red Fire's specifications, nearly creating a Heavy Kart in the process. Whether or not this was a subconscious effort to side with the enemies of Mario, who were all heavyweights, is up for speculation.

Double Dash

The Green Fire is a Middle Kart, meaning that it may only be used by Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Waluigi, Yoshi, or Birdo, or by any Lightweight Driver paired with any of the above.

The Green Fire does act like a Heavy Kart, though. It has very high top speed and low acceleration, although its bounciness lies with other Middle Karts, and is actually a little lower than some like the Waluigi Racer. It has some pretty rough Turn Speed, but actually some moderately good Offroad for either a Middle or Heavy Kart. Its size is about average, meaning that while its profile won't take up the whole track, it's still not in the best shape to dodge incoming objects.

The Kart makes no appearances in any Time Trails, instead Luigi drives the Red Fire with Mario in his appearances. The Green Fire is a decent choice for anyone looking for a Middle Kart with some speed that acts like a Heavy Kart, but in general it has many flaws that prevent it from becoming an outstanding choice.

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